We love Hungary. We hope you do too. Click around to find all sorts of Hungarian items, little articles, and fun factoids.
Hungary is a hidden treasure in the middle of Europe. Relatively small with almost 10 million residents, its history goes back thousands of years. As such, their literature, food, and culture is rich and textured. You’ll find influences from Germany, Russia, Italy, and more.
Whether you grew up in Budapest, your grandparents came from a Hungarian village in Romania, or your next door neighbor keeps talking about the goulash their great aunt made, there’s something here for you.
The First Time You Die
Louis Copland has been dead over 50 years, and he is on hand to give the newly deceased Roger Aldridge, a “freshie,” a tour of their cemetery. Who’s who in the yard, the rules about their present situation, and a strong warning about the gate.
Try a Hungarian Treat — Recipes!

Try Some Hungarian Wine
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