
Hungarian Bogrács

A bogrács, a term coming through the Turkish language adopted by the Hungarians, merely means ‘copper bucket.’ Traditionally, it is a pot on a tripod used for making soups and stews, and, of course, goulash.

Now you can cook just as they did, when out on the open Hungarian prairie, or at a favorite campsite.

Exactly what counts as a bogrács today is debated. We are still sourcing a place which sells the official ones, but many Hungarians in America use the kind used by campers. Very portable, easy to clean, and big enough to serve a lot of friends and family.

You’ll need five things to get started:

  1. Tripod
  2. Kettle or pot suitable to hang (we recommend a good Dutch oven, useful in many ways beyond goulash)
  3. Dutch oven lid lifter (you want to peak how it is cooking, right?). It might come with the oven.
  4. A good goulash recipe
  5. Wood

Good goulash does not cook quickly. It needs love and care, and maybe a cold drink while you wait. Be ready for excellent conversations, some story swapping, and friendship building. Goulash will do that to you.

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