Grandpa’s Books

Selling Your Hungarian Books?

Periodically, we receive email from folks asking if we’d like your old Hungarian books. We love that you want your books to go to a good home, that they can be read by generations to come. Unfortunately, we’re an online store without the physical ability to handle them. Here are some ideas.

  • Advertise them with us. If you have a list of the books, we are happy to create a dedicated page promoting them. Basically, we’ll list your books and direct customers to you. This is different than our usual advertising, and can be purchased in three-, six-, or twelve-month increments that can be repeated as required. We’re open to ideas. Contact us to learn more.
  • If you know a fellow Hungarian, remember that they might love an old favorite. If they are elderly or are seeing-impaired, consider reading to them.
  • Call one of the organizations or churches. They may have a lending library for their members. Or, if your collection is significant enough, they might want to use it to start one. They also could sell them in a sort of fundraiser. If there’s an especially important edition, they could offer it as a premium for a large donation.
  • If you’ve some classics in great condition, find a library dedicated to that writer. This will work best for English-language authors translated into Hungarian. For example, we gave some copies of C. S. Lewis and J. R. R. Tolkien in Hungarian to the Wade Center at Wheaton College.
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