Baby Names
Name | Gender | Meaning |
Albin | male | |
Aliz | female | kind |
Arpad | male | wanderer |
Asztrik | male | made from ashen wood |
Atilla | male | beloved father |
Bajnok | male | victor |
Bars | male | pepper |
Becse | male | the kite |
Bela | male | within, bright |
Bence | male | victor |
Beriszl | male | honor |
Bod | male | branch |
Bodor | male | curly |
Boglarka | female | buttercup |
Botond | male | mace wielding warrior |
Csaba | male | from mythology, sheperd, wanderer |
Cseke | male | puller, carrier |
Csenger | male | |
Csepel | male | young forest |
Csombor | male | |
Csongor | male | hunting bird |
Deli | male | warrior |
Domokos | male | God’s own |
Egyed | male | shieldbearer |
Elek | male | helper and defender of mankind |
Emese | female | Our sweet mother |
Farkas | male | wolf |
Firenze | male | flower |
Fodor | male | curly haired |
Folkus | male | people, famous |
Frigyes | male | peace, might |
Gara | male | goshawk |
Gedeon | male | warrior, devastator |
Gerzson | male | stranger, banished |
Gyula | male | name of a honor |
Hont | male | dogbreeder, friend of dogs |
Huba | male | |
Hunor | male | a name of an etnhic group |
Ildiko | female | a fierce warrior |
Ilona | female | beautiful, sunshine |
Jolan | female | violet blossom |
Kada | male | |
Kadosa | male | |
Kalman | male | strong and manly |
Kaplony | male | tiger |
Kapolcs | male | |
Kardos | male | swordsman |
Karsa | male | falcon |
Kartal | male | eagle |
Keled | male | |
Keleman | male | gentle, kind |
Kemenes | male | furnace maker |
Kende | male | name of a honor |
Kerecsen | male | falcon |
Keve | male | pebble |
Kolos | male | scholar |
Kont | male | |
Krisztina | female | |
Kund | male | a name of a honor |
Laborc | male | brave panther |
Ladomér | male | trapper |
Lantos | male | lute player |
László | male | might, fame |
Lehel | male | breathes |
Lél | male | bugler |
Lipót | male | brave |
Loránd | male | brave warrior |
Lőrinc | male | Laurentian |
Marót | male | Moravian |
Medárd | male | great, strong |
Megyer | male | Hungarian |
Menyhért | male | royal light |
Miksa | male | similar to God |
Milán | male | kind |
Mór | male | moorish |
Nándor | male | |
Nyék | male | borderlands |
Odon | male | wealthy protector |
Odön | male | keeper of the fief |
Oguz | male | arrow |
Ompoly | male | Ampleumian |
Ond | male | tenth child |
Orbán | male | citydweller, educated man |
Orkény | male | frightening man |
Ormos | male | like a cliff |
Ors | male | man, hero |
Oszlár | male | |
Ozor | male | name of an ethnic group |
Ozséb | male | pious |
Ozsvát | male | deity, might |
Patony | male | |
Pázmán | male | right, man |
Pellegrin | male | pilgrim |
Pentele | male | merciful, lion |
Piusz | male | |
Pongor | male | all might |
Radomér | male | happy, peace |
Regő | male | |
Rendor | male | policeman |
Rezső | male | |
Robi | male | shining with fame |
Rókus | male | |
Sandor | male | helper and defender of mankind |
Sebes | male | fast |
Solt | male | name of an honor |
Sólyom | male | falcon |
Soma | male | a kind of berry |
Surány | male | name of an honor |
Szabolcs | male | |
Szalók | male | |
Szemere | male | small man, demolisher |
Szervác | male | freed |
Szescő | male | serious, strict |
Szilárd | male | |
Szólát | male | |
Taksony | male | well fed, content, merciless, wild |
Tarcal | male | |
Tardos | male | bald |
Tarján | male | name of an honor |
Tas | male | well fed, stone |
Tétény | male | chieftain |
Tihamér | male | likes silence |
Titusz | male | dove, honored |
Tivadar | male | gift of God |
Tomaj | male | name of a clan |
Ubul | male | |
Ugod | male | name of a clan |
Ugor | male | Hungarian |
Upor | male | |
Uros | male | little lord |
Uzor | male | name of an ethnic group |
Várkony | male | name of an Avar ethnic group |
Varsŕny | male | name of an ethnic group |
Vayk | male | rich |
Vázsony | male | |
Vidor | male | happy |
Vitéz | male | brave warrior |
Zádor | male | violent |
Zágon | male | |
Zajzon | male | |
Zalán | male | thrower, hitter |
Zámor | male | plough-land |
Zaránd | male | gold |
Zekö | male | |
Zerind | male | serb |
Zétény | male | |
Zigana | female | gypsy girl |
Zizi | female | dedicated to God |
Zoárd | male | |
Zobor | male | gathering |
Zoltán | male | chieftain |
Zombor | male | buffalo |
Zorán | male | dawn |
ZsaZsa | female | rose, lily |
Zsigmond | male | victorious defender |
Zsolt | male | name of an honor |
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