Try these with tea or coffee.
A simple biscuit that, when served warm, and fresh from the oven, will delight your guests with an aroma and taste that will remind them of home – no matter where they’re from.
- 4 cups flour
- 1 tablespoon confectioners’ sugar
- 2/3 cake compressed yeast
- 2 egg yolks
- 1 cup butter
- Pinch of salt
- Scant 1/2 cup sour cream
- 1 egg for glaze
Sift the flour and sugar. Add the remaining ingredients, and work together to form a smooth dough. Roll out and fold over, so that the dough is four layers thick. Rest for 20 minutes in a cold place. Repeat the process twice more.
Then roll out the pastry to a thickness of just under 1/4 inch, and score the surface. Cut into rounds. Place these on a floured baking pan, brush with beaten egg, and bake in a preheated medium oven for 30-40 minutes until golden.
Art of Hungarian Cooking
Paul Pogany Bennett, Velma R. Clark
Az Inyesmester nagy Szakacskonyve: The Art of Hungarian Cooking
Helen’s Hungarian Heritage Recipes
Clara Margaret Czegeny
The Hungarian Cookbook: The Pleasures of Hungarian Food and Wine
Susan Derecskey, Charles G. Derecskey, Susan Derecsky
June Meyer’s Authentic Hungarian Heirloom Recipes
June V. Meyer, Aaron D. Meyer (Editor)
That Hungarian’s in My Kitchen : 125 Hungarian/American Recipes
Linda F. Radke, Sylvia Mednick Weiss (Introduction), Mary E. Hawkins (Editor)
To Set Before the King : Katharina Schratt’s Festive Recipes (Iowa Szathmary Culinary Arts Series)
Gertrud Graubart Champe (Editor), Paula Von Haimberger Arno (Editor), Louis Szathmary (Translator), David E. Schoonover
Hungarian Cookbook: Old World Recipes for New World Cooks
Yolanda Nagy Fintor
The Best of Slovak Cooking (New Hippocrene Original Cookbooks)
Sylvia Galova-Lorinc, Sylvia Lorinc, John M. Lorinc
Wines of Hungary: Mitchell Beazley Classic Wine Library
Alex Liddell
The Hungarian Cookbook
Susan Derecskey
Easy 45 Hungarian Recipes
by Csilla Keszeli
Cooking the Hungarian Way
Magdolna Hargittai, Robert L. Wolfe (Photographer), Diane Wolfe (Photographer)
Eva’s Hungarian Kitchen
Eva M. Kende
Flavors of Hungary
Charlotte Slovak Biro
Hungarian Cooking
Elizabeth De Biro
Hungarian Kitchen Parade
Erdfly-Markovics L.
Hungarian Cooking (International Creative Cooking)
Margaret, Tom, and Mary’s Authentic Hungarian Cookbook
Barbara Jean Prince, Barba J. Prince
Sensuous Hungarian-American Desserts. 52 Tempting Recipes. each less than 300 Calories per Serving
Eva M. Bonis, Molly Lynch (Photographer), Bryan Kelleher (Illustrator)

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